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Ultimate Guide to Get Rid Of Flying Insects UK |Types Of Flying Insects
Types of Flying Insects Found in the UK

1. Bees
Bees are common flying insects found in the UK throughout the summer season. They play a major role in pollination. They have fuzzy bodies and are identifiable by their black and yellow bodies.
2. Autumn fly
Autumn flies, also known as Musca Autumnalis, can be found mostly around our homes. The female flies look mostly like house flies. At the same time, the male has an orange lower body with black stripes. Females are larger than males. Commonly, autumn flies have large red eyes and clear wings.
3. Honey bees
Bees are important pollinators in the UK, with over 270 species recorded. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem and contribute to the production of many crops. They have black and orange-yellow stripes on its body, a furry head and thorax, and a sleek, narrow abdomen, and are capable of flight.
4. Bluebottle fly
Bluebottle flies are distinguished by their metallic blue colour. They are similar to the size of the common housefly. Their big red eyes and clear wings make them unique.
5. Bumble bee
Bumble bees are hairy flying insects with yellow bands on them. They live in colonies of over 200 bees. Bumble bees are generally never aggressive unless threatened. They feed on nectar and pollen.
6. Yellowjackets
As the name implies, yellowjackets got their name from the colour pattern( black and yellow) on their bodies. Just like the bees, they are also flying insects that stings but have noticeably small waists. They are commonly found in the UK during the summer.
7. Carpenter bee
The name comes from their nesting behaviour. Carpenter bees make burrows in the woods to lay eggs. These bees are often confused with bumble bees due to their similar body shape and size. Carpenter bees are a bit bigger than bumble bees and have hairless and shiny abdomen.
8. Fruit fly
Smaller in size, fruit flies have a black-coloured top abdomen while the underneath is grey. They have yellow or tan-coloured thoraces. Fruit flies are attracted to rotten or fermented foods for laying eggs.
9. Hornets
The most commonly found hornets in the UK are the Vespa crabro species or European hornets. They have a similar appearance to that of wasps. They have a yellow head and a pale yellow abdomen with stripes.
10. Housefly
Coloured grey houseflies are the most common type of flying insect found in the UK. Just like the fruit flies, these creatures are also attracted to rotten food items. Their tiny bodies can easily make their way through any holes or cracks in windows.
11. Mosquitoes
In the UK, there are over 30 species of mosquitoes. They are present throughout the year but cause major disturbances during warm or damp climates.
12. Wasps
Wasps are small and narrow-winged flying insects. They are one of the most feared insects in the UK. They generally have a slender body with yellow and black bands.How to identify flying insects?
Identifying flying insects is quite easy. One must observe their shape, size, and behaviour. These characteristics will distinguish flying insects from other bugs/insects. They have a wide set of red eyes. Flying insects are mostly attracted towards light. They commonly consist of two or four transparent wings. The type of wings can often give clues to the type of insect. For example, flies have two wings, while bees and wasps have four wings.
The antennae of an insect can also help you identify it. For example, butterflies and moths have long, thin antennae, while bees and wasps have shorter, thicker antennae.

How to get rid of flying insects?
Flying insects can be a menace and potential pests. It is important to keep them away from your living premises. One can use various methods to get rid of flying insects. Here are some of the methods that we suggest:
- Fly-repellent fan:
A portable insect repellent to ward off flies and other flying insects. An ideal insect repellent for your BBQs, picnics, and outdoor/indoor activities. It has soft wings that can threaten the flies keeping them away.
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2. Disposable fly catcher sticky glue ribbon roll insects:
This is a fly trap with strong adhesive fly paper. One has to simply pull out the string to release the fly paper and hang it somewhere. These are non-toxic and easy to use.
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3. Double-sided yellow insect trap:
Best trap to get rid of flying insects around your plants. The bright yellow colour attracts flying insects that eventually get glued to the trap. Easy to use and effective insect repellent that can be used for flying plant insects. Simply peel and insert. It is non-toxic and safe for people and pets.
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4. Hanging fly and mosquito trap:
Efficient and environmentally friendly fly and mosquito trap that is extremely effective. All one needs to do is hook it 1 m above the ground with water-stirred bait. It is reusable and can be widely used in parks, restaurants, slaughterhouses, poultry farms, green belts, toilets, garbage fields, and other public places.
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5. Hanging bee/wasp/ hornet trap:
A two-entry tunnel design that catches bees, hornets or wasps and not lets them go outside. Simply put the trap 3 m above the ground or hang it on a tree. Use fruit juice, sugar water or a soft drink as bait and pour it into the trap. Remember to pour water in the right proportion.
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