Pest Control

Top 5 Places to Install Bird Spikes to Prevent Pigeon Nesting

Pigeons, while often seen as charming city dwellers, can become a nuisance when they decide to nest on your property. Their droppings can cause damage and health hazards, and their nests can block important structures. One of the most effective and humane ways to deter pigeons is by installing bird spikes. In this blog, we’ll identify the top five high-risk areas for pigeon nesting and provide guidance on the strategic placement of bird spikes to ensure optimal results. We’ll also include visual guides and diagrams to help you install these deterrents effectively.

  1. Roof Ridges and Eaves

Identification of High-Risk Area

Roof ridges and eaves are prime locations for pigeons to roost and nest due to the shelter they provide from the elements.

Strategic Placement of Bird Spikes

Roof Ridges: Install bird spikes along the entire length of the roof ridge. Ensure that the spikes are placed at an angle that makes it impossible for pigeons to land.

Eaves: Place bird spikes along the edges of eaves. For wider eaves, you might need multiple rows of spikes to cover the entire area.

  1. Window Ledges and Sills

Identification of High-Risk Area

Window ledges and sills offer flat surfaces that are ideal for pigeons to perch and nest, especially on higher floors.

Strategic Placement of Bird Spikes

Window Ledges: Install spikes along the entire length of the window ledge. For deeper ledges, use spikes with a wider base.

Sills: Ensure that spikes are evenly spaced to prevent pigeons from finding any gaps.

  1. Gutters and Downspouts

Identification of High-Risk Area

Gutters and downspouts provide narrow, sheltered areas that pigeons find attractive for nesting.

Strategic Placement of Bird Spikes

Gutters: Install bird spikes along the edges of gutters. Consider using gutter-specific spikes that can be easily clipped or screwed into place.

Downspouts:  Place spikes on top of the downspout openings to prevent pigeons from entering and nesting inside.

  1. Air Conditioning Units and Ventilation Systems

Identification of High-Risk Area

Air conditioning units and ventilation systems provide warmth and shelter, making them attractive to pigeons.

Strategic Placement of Bird Spikes

AC Units: Place spikes around the perimeter of the air conditioning unit. Ensure the spikes do not interfere with the unit’s operation.

Vents: Install spikes around the edges of ventilation openings and on top of external vents to deter pigeons from landing and nesting.

  1. Balconies and Balustrades

Identification of High-Risk Area

Balconies and balustrades offer flat surfaces and railing edges that pigeons find ideal for perching.

Strategic Placement of Bird Spikes

Balconies: Place spikes along the edges of balcony railings and any flat surfaces where pigeons might land.

Balustrades: Ensure that spikes cover the entire length of balustrade edges, and consider using transparent spikes to maintain the aesthetic appeal.


Installing bird spikes in the right places is crucial for preventing pigeons from nesting and causing damage to your property. By targeting these high-risk areas—roof ridges and eaves, window ledges and sills, gutters and downspouts, air conditioning units and ventilation systems, and balconies and balustrades—you can create a pigeon-free environment that is both effective and humane. Follow our strategic placement tips and use the visual guides to ensure your bird spikes are installed correctly for maximum impact. Happy pigeon-proofing!

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